How to Protect Carpet During Renovation

There are many potential ways your carpet can get badly soiled or damaged during an interior renovation project. Here are some tips to safeguard your carpets during interior renovation projects.

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How to Remove Ring-Shaped Marks on Marble

People commonly ask, “What causes ring-shaped marks and white spots on marble?” “Is there a product I can use to get rid of this type of stain?” and “Is there a sealer I can apply to restore the shine and prevent this problem?” Let’s unpack these concepts.

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How to Treat Pet Urine Odor in Carpet

Have you ever visited someone’s home and noticed the unmistakeable smell of cat or dog urine? This article explains the dangers of pet urine odor, as well as how to eliminate the problem.

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How to Remove Shower Calcium Deposits

Do you have a white film or scaly buildup on your tile or stone shower? That’s calcium deposits. Here are some DIY solutions you can try yourself to remove them before you reach out for professional services.

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Candles, Incense, and Unsightly Carpets

Some types of candles and incense can cause diminished indoor air quality and an unsightly graphite film on carpeting that can be notoriously difficult to remove. Read on to learn more about these problems and discover healthier, cleaner ways to create the ambiance you want.

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Are Steam Cleaners Safe For Natural Stone?

There are many wrong ways to clean natural stone, which is why we recommend leaving heavy cleaning to an experienced stone restoration professional. Steam cleaning should be used with care and sparingly, or better yet, not at all.

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